What Is Malicious Injury to Property Crimes in Wagoner County

Malicious Injury to Property Crimes

Malicious Injury to Property crimes are the most common crime in Oklahoma.  This is because it occurs in many different manners.  For example, the range of reasons for property destruction can include drunken rages to harmless teenage pranks.  No matter the reason, it is still a punishable crime.  Read on to learn more about malicious injury to property crimes in Wagoner and also what you may be facing if accused of it.

Malicious Injury in Oklahoma:

Okla. Stat. tit. 21 §1760 defines malicious property damage.   If a person “maliciously injures, deface, or destroys” the property of another person it is malicious injury.  Some examples of this include:

  • graffiti
  • egging homes
  • slashing tires
  • other purposeful damage to someone’s belongings

For many of us who are parents, we understand these can sometimes be childish games.  However, if pressed, these charges carry penalties that could affect you for many years after the actual incident.

Malicious Injury Punishments:

In Oklahoma there are three levels of penalties associated with malicious injury to property:

1.)  The penalty is a misdemeanor for a first or second offense with damage less than $1,000.  Misdemeanors in Oklahoma generally carry jail sentences up to 1 year and a fine up to$500.

2.)  The penalty is a felony is the property damage is over $1,000. It does not matter if this is a first or second occurrence.  The crime is still a felony.

3.)  It is a felony if you commit malicious injury to property two times or more.

NOTE:  Even after the criminal charges of property damages are enforced, the owner of the property may bring civil suit too.  This is to recover any financial damages to replace or repair the property.

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Property Crimes Attorney in Wagoner County

Malicious Injury to Property Crimes are serious and need to be aggressively defended. We have experience in defending our clients against property damage claims.  Let us help you keep yourself or your family from experiencing life long damages from a one time event.  Let us help keep you from experiencing the disadvantage of having a felony on your record.  For a free consultation with a criminal defense attorneys from Kania Law Office – Wagoner Attorneys Call 918-283-7394 or follow this link and ask a free online legal question.