Punishment For Hit and Run Charges in Wagoner County

Hit and Run Charges

Hit and run charges in Oklahoma are serious and the punishment depends on many different factors. It is against the law to leave the scene of an accident in Oklahoma.  Most people will understand this crime as a hit and run.  For example, an recently an Owasso trash collector is recovering from being struck by a vehicle while he was getting out of his truck.  The man has bruised ribs, sprained joints, etc. but he does not have any more severe injuries.  After hitting the man, the car sped off.  Police are still searching for the vehicle. In this and other hit and run cases if the charge involves aggravating circumstances like an injury the prosecutor aggressively prosecutes the case.

What is a Hit and Run?

Accidents happen.  This is why there are laws to follow once one occurs.  First, under Title 47 §10-104, you must render some type of aid to the victim.  So, you can call 911, or move the person to safety if there is immediate danger.  Next, you should stay at the scene of the accident so that the officer can get your information.  But, if the injuries appear to be fatal, you may be subject to blood-alcohol testing.

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Punishments for Leaving the Scene

Oklahoma law is a gradient of punishment for someone who leaves the scene.  Therefore, the severity of the injuries equals a stricter punishment.  If you are charged with this kind of crime you can have a tiral or face either deferred or suspended sentencing. These include:

  • Damage to a vehicle w/out injuries: Misdemeanor crime; fines reaching $500 and a potential year in prison.  Victim may also sue you in civil court for damages.
  • Non-fatal Injuries: Felony crime; fines reaching $1,000 and a potential 2 year prison term.  You will also lose your driver’s license.
  • Fatal Injuries: Felony crime; fines reaching $10,000 and potential jail time of 10 years.  Again, you will lose your license to drive.

Assistance of Tulsa County Lawyers

Leaving the scene of a hit and run accident is a serious crime.  If you are facing Hit and Run Charges in Wagoner County there are things you can do to make your case better. The first and most important thing you can do is to remain silent and don’t make statements to the Police. Its understandable when people try to help their case by talking to the Police but don’t do it, it doesn’t help. If you are facing hit run charges get strong legal representation. For a free consultation with a hit and run attorney in Wagoner contact Kania Law – Wagoner Attorneys at 918.283.7394. Or click here to ask an online legal question.