Workers Compensation Partial Disability Claims in Wagoner County

Wagoner Workers Compensation Attorneys

Workers Compensation partial disability claims in Wagoner County are on the rise. Workers’ Compensation claims can be anywhere from 10%-20% of the workforce annually.  This results in payments reaching into the millions.  For example, a 2015 survey shows Oklahoma Worker’s Compensation of over $2M paid out over the year to partial disability claims.  Thus, this is clearly an industry law finds worth the time to govern.   As such, we recommend you get legal counsel to work through you workers’ compensation claims and determine your status as a worker.

Workers Compensation Partial Disability or Permanent?

Disability under Oklahoma law essentially means that you cannot perform the same job you were performing due to an injury.  Further, you cannot perform a job that would pay equivalent or close to the same wages either.  As such, partial disability claims break into two different categories: temporary disability or permanent disability.

Partial Disability:  Temporary

Temporary Partial Disability is under the Oklahoma Administrative Workers’ Compensation Act § 46.  In summary, it says that an employee may be unable to perform their current job.  However, this inability is a temporary injury and will eventually be over and the employee will be able to return to work.  Simultaneously, the worker will likely be able to participate in alternative work for the same or similar wages. Under this Act, you may receive:

  • Compensation reaching 70% of your pre-injury wages;
  • Length of compensation cannot exceed 52-weeks; and
  • You must accept alternative work if your employers offers it.

Partial Disability:  Permanent

Permanent partial disability is exactly what it sounds like.  This means that you are unable to perform your current duties, but you can still perform alternative work.  However, you will never be able to return to your pre-injury position.  Additionally, your possible compensation under this Act are:

  • $323/week compensation check;
  • For up to 6.5 years; and
  • Paid job training for a new and feasible position.

Read more on the Wagoner Attorneys Law Blog.

Contact a Wagoner County Workers Compensation Attorney

Don’t try to manage your partial disability claims in Wagoner County alone. Our Wagoner Attorneys have years of experience working in the Workers’ Compensation and injury system. With that in mind, we understand the legal inner workings and how to work them best to your advantage. Call our offices today at 918-283-7394 for a free consultation. Additionally, you can visit our Ask A Lawyer page for legal questions. Let us help you fight for the right settlement.