Explaining Holographic Wills in Wagoner County

Holographic wills in Wagoner CountyHolographic wills in Wagoner County are enforceable as a means to transfer property. We all know that passing on is a fact of life.  This is why many people create wills in order to make sure they have their affairs in order.  This can make life much easier on your surviving relatives when it comes to dividing up your assets.  However, not all people have a will drawn up by a Wills and Trust attorney.  Some people print off a will from the internet and fill in the blanks.  Other people simply have a personally handwritten will.  This personally handwritten will is a holographic wills in Wagoner County and is a valid will under certain circumstances in Oklahoma.

Elements of a Holographic Will:

The state of Oklahoma recognizes holographic wills and honors them.  However, certain elements must be present.  These include:

–  The will must be entirely in the handwriting of the person making the will,

–  It must be dated by the person making the will, and

–  The will must include the signature of the person making the will.

There is leniency on other parts of a holographic will though.  The will does not have to be on paper.  For example, in the case of a farmer who was trapped under his tractor, the will he scratched onto the side of his tractor fender was recognized as valid.  It is important to note that not all states recognize holographic wills, but Oklahoma does if it follows the listed elements above.

Holographic Wills in Wagoner County and Litigation:

Although Oklahoma recognizes holographic wills as valid, many people contest them.  This is especially true if somebody expected to inherit from the will and did not.  Further, holographic wills do not require witnesses.  So, distrust of the origin of the will is hotly debated in many families.  Thus, holographic wills are often a source of conflict and result in lengthy court battles.

Let our Wagoner Wills and Trust Attorneys Help:

If you find yourself in the midst of a probate court battle regarding the validity of a holographic wills in Wagoner County , call us.  We have probate attorneys with experience in estate planning as well as executorships.  Let us protect you from having to face undeserving heirs during your time of grief.